Friday, June 27, 2008

Do the right things and the right things will happen

Life is not meant to be complicated. It is straightforward. It'ssimply a matter of doing the right things. And when we do so, theright things will happen. The reward for doing the right thingsis success, happiness, and fulfillment. But when we do the wrongthings, we reap failure, misery, and regret. So, what are thewrong things? The list below is enough to get you started. Aftergoing through it, you will quickly think of other things to addto the list. Just think of the right things as the things thatwork, and the wrong things as the things (actions) that don'twork. If what you are doing is bringing you closer to your goalsand dreams, you are doing the right things. On the other hand, ifsuccess is no where in sight, you are unhappy, and you arefeeling frustrated, they are signs that you are doing the wrongthings. Now is a good time to take stock of your actions and askyourself whether you're doing the right or wrong things. THE WRONG THINGS: 1. Denial. The first step in overcoming a problem is to admitthat we have one. Most of us are imperfect and have a problem ortwo in one or more areas of life. Here's a simple test. If you'reunhappy, you're doing something wrong. If that describes you, tryto find out what you are doing wrong and correct the situation. 2. Unwilling to work at it. I have heard many people say, "Self-help books and self-improvement programs don't work for me." ThenI have to explain, "Self-help books and programs are not supposedto work, YOU are supposed to work! Just carry out the exercisesyou have learned and practice them for 15 ~ 20 minutes a day. Ifyou were to do so, it is impossible not to improve." How do theyknow the books and programs don't work when they don't practicewhat is taught? 3. Looking for the easy way instead of the right way. The onlyshort cut to success is hard work. Hard work may not comenaturally, but we have the capacity to develop self-discipline,which is an essential skill. Self-discipline is nothing less thanthe freedom to reach our dreams. When viewed in that light, itsimportance should become clear. 4. Ignoring the warning signs. Unhappiness and the failure toreach our goals are warning signs. The pain brought on by thesepredicaments is life's way of screaming at us, "What you aredoing isn't working. Try doing things differently." Yet, ratherthan heed the warning signs, some prefer to blame their problemson "bad luck." Others claim they are victims of circumstances orfate. The reality is they are victims of their own negativethoughts and beliefs. How much better it is to be the beneficiaryof one's own positive thoughts. 5. Failure to plan. When we fail to plan, we plan to fail. Wecan't just wait for things to happen. We have to make themhappen. And we do so by carefully planning and taking theappropriate steps. It's time to stop brooding and whining andstart planning for success. It's time to ask ourselves, "What doI want? Why do I want it? Why don't I already have what I want?What am I doing wrong? What steps do I have to take and in whatorder? When will I begin? What obstacles am I likely to encounterand how will I overcome them?" 6. Failure to take responsibility. What happens to us is theresults of our own actions or inaction. We can blame others orcircumstances if we want, but that doesn't help at all. Ratherthan do something about their problems, some stand around waitingto be rescued by others. They wait for a knight in shining armorto save them, but they wait in vain. Far better to depend onyourself. 7. Trying to do as little as possible instead of as much aspossible. Some avoid work as if it were a disease. But when we doas little as possible, we learn and progress as little aspossible. This leads to frustration, stress, loss of energy, andless ambition. In other words, we find ourselves in a downwardspiral. But when we work as much as possible, we make rapidprogress, experience pride, self-respect, and the joy of reapingthe rewards that follow a job well done. 8. Failure to apply what we learn. A meal provides no nutrientsunless we eat it. Similarly, books, articles, and advice provideno help unless we integrate into our lives what we've learned.Neglecting to apply what we've learned is the same as notlearning it. 9. Failure to regularly monitor one's progress. How can wecorrect our course unless we know where we're going? We need toregularly survey our progress. Are we on course or are wedrifting off course? Why leave things to chance when we canmonitor our results and make corrections as needed? Also,discovering our mistakes early allows us to learn from them andto nip failure in the bud. 10. Giving up too early. Temporary setbacks become failures onlyif we stop in our tracks. But if we make it our policy to refuseto give up until we reach our destination, we'll never fail. 11. Failure to get along with others. Some believe they live in ahostile world, so they act in a hostile manner, alienatingothers. But those who believe they live in a friendly world trustand support others. As a consequence, they receive trust andsupport from everyone they deal with. What is your opinion? Doyou believe you live in a friendly or hostile world? It doesn'tmatter whether your opinion is right or wrong. What matters iswhether your opinion works for you or not. Positive thinkersbelieve we live in a friendly world, so they get along withothers and become successful. In a word, what they are doingworks. 12. Failure to be flexible and adaptable. We can tell life wherewe want to go and what we want to do, but it may have betterplans for us, so we have to be willing to change our route tosuccess. If we remain inflexible, stubbornly sticking to apersonal goal, we may not recognize a golden opportunity when itappears. For example, I may decide I want to become a famouswriter, but life may want me to become a great teacher. As longas I remain flexible, when a teaching opportunity arrives, I willbe able to consider it. Besides, my ultimate goal is for success,and either writing or teaching can get me there. 13. A belief that they already know it all or know more thanothers. When we think we know more than others, we're notinterested in hearing what they have to say and grow deaf to thewisdom offered by others in casual conversations. To benefit themost from life, not only should we carefully listen to whatothers have to say, but we should be willing to be changed bywhat we hear. On several occasions, my life was dramaticallychanged by the words of ordinary people. 14. Lack of commitment. A dream without commitment is no morethan a wish. But when we are committed, we are willing to dowhatever it takes to succeed. We may have to reach deep, downinside to find it, but commitment is part of the inner resourcesof all. Just as we may be unaware of vast reserves of oil lyingbeneath the soil we stand on, many are ignorant of their reservesof commitment. All we have to do is drill down to tap into it,and once it gushes forth, there won't be anything we cannot do! 15. Looking backward instead of forward. True, some of us weredealt nasty blows in the past. Insurmountable obstacles may haveblocked our way. But that was the past. Now it is time to moveforward. It is time to plan and prepare for the future. It istime to focus on what we want instead of what we don't want; timeto focus on what we have instead of what we lack, and time tofocus on solutions instead of excuses. Your life is a precious gift. What do you plan to do with it? You won't have to worry if you do the right things, for then the right things will happen to you. By Chuck Gallozzi Email:

Friday, June 13, 2008

I AM A BUSINESS BUILDER I bring together Ideas and peopleI organize talents and resources I develop opportunities that expand the human potential I make dream a reality I am a survivor, overcoming obstacles every minute of everyday,learning from each failure and growing stronger with each success I am a builder by hard work, loyalty, honesty and determination, I maa doer, a dreamer and an OPPORTUNITY creator. I AM A BUSINESS BUILDER

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


"Independence & economic spoon feeding go ill together" AWOLOWO To life an independent life you must be courageous in the face ofchallenges: an independent life is not necessary one without challengebut one which challenges are put in proper perspective. Peter the heroof High Walpole novet fortifude said it is not life that matters butthe courage you bring to life.An independent life.: is one that courageously responds. A life thatknow that every thing happens for its fulfillment. Peter mentionedabove afterlife had done "trible" bring to him head a voice that saidto him."blessed be all sorrow hardships and endevous that demand courage.Blessed be those things: for of these thing cometh the making of aman"quoting awo once again just before he went to prison" it is a with abrave, within confident hope, and within faith in my unalterabled4estiny that I go from this twilighty into for darkness, unshaken inmy trust in the providence of God that a glorious dawn will come onthe morrowas his poet once said the past is a story told the future may be writein gold. You cant go back and start afresh but you can from now startwithin belief in the future born out of courage start again and make abeautiful ending."you will never do any thing in this world without courage. It is thegreatest quality of the mind next to honour"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Personality branding is one process of building into solidity andvisibility ones inner/international strong and abilities to a specifictarget market, while getting rid of flows or reducing them toinsignificance, in relations to strength s.It is the catalyst that takes the from success to significance, fromposition to personhood, from being a harder to becoming aninstitution without the exploit of strong personal brands over theyear the world would have been much worse than what it is today.Brand management is key to sustenance of the brand over time. A commonbrand in successful personality brand is consistency of character andpurpose. The individual must ensure that the image he casts doesn'tdeplete over time.COMMUNICATION comes in here: Every thing one does or doesn't do is acommunication of the value and character of his personality.Communication may or may not be a deliberate act, but appearances docount and a individual must only learn how to make exterior profile areflection of his inner strength.Personality brand communication: is how an individual expresseshimself and his unique characteristics to the public. It starts intotranslation of belief and inner traits to visual elements i.e. usingphysical things to express what it stand for. Castro's blend as areflection of the lack of blandes in one days of the strengthlaqbaja's mask for the facelessness of the common man.Next is marketing the appropriate media and PR initiations such asspeeches, press releases, inter views and ads amongst others.The key element of a strong personality brand includes. 1. Specialization: Wole so yinka (WS) wordmiton a specialist withwords. Successful brand are known in a particular field to beexcellent. Successful brands form and strengthens to build corecompetence 2. Sense of Purpose: Born out of personal experience, Mandela andApartneid knau and KHF 3. Personality Highly respectable personality that is regarded byfriends and foes alike across, sections of society.4. Distinctiveness: Have unique attitude associated with them. 5. Leadership: Known as a leader in their field+6. Visibility: Skills makes them visible as their opinion is sought regularly 7. consistency: of Character: Ali an Viet main war. 8. Sense of History: Always sense to discern the times and theirplace in it, with a benefit of wind sight. 9. Sense of Nobility: Display five character traits that othersadmire such as, courage, honesty and care for others.10. Respect for Humanity: This is one common brand running throughevery great brand from time immemorial . Respect being reciprocal isin turn returned to. Christ captures one important of this when hesaid "he who would be greatest among it must be the servant of all"


UPBRINGING All I can or hope to be I owe to my angel in orderMissionWith malice to ward more ands charity toward all, with firmness in theright as God gives us to see the right, lets finish the work we arein. SELF DESTRUCTION He remind of a man who killed both his parent and when the judgment isabout to be passed plead for mercy on one grounds that he is anorphan.DEDICATIONWhat ever you are be a good one. ACTION The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter usfrom the support of a cause we believe to be just. CHALLENGES Only the test of the fire can produce finest steel ADVERSARIES Don't criticized them they are just what we would under similar circumstances FAILURE My great concern is not when ever you have failed but whether you are concerned with failure. LIBERTY As I would not be a slave so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy FORCE Force is all conquering but its victories are short lived HIS CRITICS If I tried to answer all the criticisms of me & all the attacks targeted at me, this office will be closed to all other business. My job is not pleasing men but doing the best I can. If in the end I am found to be wrong, ten legions of angels swearing I was right wont help me. If the end prove me to be right then all that is said about me now will amount to nothing. PERSONAL CONTENTION No man who is resolved to make the most of himself can spare time for personal contention still less can he afford to the consequences including the vitiation of his temper and the loss of self control. SELF CONTROL Self control is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it. The tree is the real thing COMPROMISE Better to give your path to a dog then be bitten by him in contesting for the right. Even killing the dog wont cure the bite. LOVE There is a morality of memory; LOVE keeps a list of its creditors but none of its debtors IMMORTALITY Surely God would not have created such a being as man to exist for a day. No no man was created for immortality PERSUASION A drop of honey catches more flies then a gallon of gall so with men, if you would win a man to your cause fist convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is the drop of honey that catches his heart which, say what you will, is the high road to his reason STRATEGY When am getting ready to reason with a man I spend 1/3 of my time thinking about myself & what am going to say and 2/3 of the time thinking about him and what he is going to say. PREPARATION I will prepare and my time will definitely come

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I have searched, all my life, for answers but ended up with even more questions.I may have failed (even more than I have succeeded)but I have come to love and appreciate each and every day of my life & the beautiful people I have been privileged to share it with:each and every one of you has helped little me grow BIG. God in His infinite mercies & divine providence has blessed me immensely through all of you,from those with whom I shared a simple "Hi" to those I have shared the most intimate parts, dreams and hopes of my life with.For these and more reasons, I say a BIG thank you and may God bless you, even as He has through you blessed me. To all of you my sisters,brothers,fathers,mothers and friends I say, to borrow the words of famous Nigerian crooner Tuface Idibia, "WITHOUT YOU THERE WOULD BE NO ME".You all are the reason for my existence on earth. In light of all these, there is only one spot in my life reserved for you all-Number One.For in your own special ways you have all been special blessings. Today the BIG question is have I found the answers? Yes:Right there in the questions themselves, lie the answers and the keys to life. In asking the BIG questions I have come to understand that life is one BIG classroom with lessons to learn at every twist and turn.