Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Emile COUÉ (Self Mastery)

The complete Coué's formulation Read it, write it, recod it, listent to it, it's one of the best positive textever written and used. Here is the complete Emile Coué formulation: «Maintain a calm, soothing tone of voice as you read the formulations. When you are familiar with the text, you might want to record it so it can be played back while you are in the alpha state. Get comfortable, either sitting down or lying on your back, and close your eyes. I don’t want you to try and fall asleep. I am telling you to close your eyes so you can concentrate without being distracted by anything you might see. Now tell yourself that everything I am going to say will be recorded by your brain, engraved in your mind. And that, without your knowing it, without any effort on your part, your organism and your entire being will obey what your subconscious mind tells you to do. The first thing I am going to tell you is that every day, 3 times a day, morning, noon and evening, at mealtimes, you will feel hungry. You will experience the pleasant sensation of feeling slightly hungry and think, “Mm, I’d love to have something to eat!”And you will eat, savoring every mouthful, enjoying your food immensely, without eating too much. You’ll be careful to chew your food well, transforming it into a soft paste in your mouth before you swallow. This will help you digest well, so that you will feel absolutely no discomfort in your stomach or intestines afterwards, no pain or heartburn, no discomfort at all. Your body will digest and assimilate the food you ingest perfectly, using all the nutrients it contains to renew your supply of blood, muscles, energy -in short, to regenerate life. Because you digest your food well, your intestines will function normally and effectively. Every morning, shortly after you wake up, you will feel the need to go to the bathroom. Your bowel movements will be normal and satisfying, and you won’t need the help of any kind of medication or artificial stimulant. Every night, from the moment you want to go to sleep to the moment you wake up in the morning, you will be able to sleep deeply and calmly, without having any bad dreams. When you wake up in the morning you will feel fresh and fully rested, ready to enjoy the day. If you sometimes feel sad or depressed, if you sometimes get bored or worry too much, you can est assured that you won’t have those kinds of feelings any more. Instead of feeling sad or depressed, instead of worrying, you will feel happy, very happy, for no eason at all, in the same way that you may have felt sad for no eason from time to time. From now on you’ll feel happy and joyous inside. And even if you have eal cause to worry or feel sad, you won’t fall into depression. You will do what has to be done, nourished by the joy and happiness of being alive. If you sometimes became impatient or angry in the past, you won’t anymore. From now on you will have infinite patience, you’ll always be able to control your anger. You will no longer be bothered by the things that used to irritate or upset you in the past. If you sometimes find yourself thinking terrible things, things that are unhealthy for you, fears, phobias, temptations, hateful thoughts, rest assured that these kinds of thoughts will arise less and less frequently in your mind. And whenever they do, they will melt away, like clouds dissolving in a clear sky, until they disappear completely. All your useless, harmful thoughts will simply vanish, just like a dream when you awaken. All your bodily organs are functioning well. Your heart is beating normally, blood is circulating freely through your body, nourishing all your cells. Your lungs are functioning normally, as are your stomach, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, and bladder. If one of your organs happens to be functioning abnormally at the moment, est assured that the problem will get better day by day, and in the very near future, disappear altogether, so that all your organs can function normally. And if any of your organs have developed lesions, the lesions will start healing as of now. They will get better day by day, until very soon they will have disappeared completely. I also have this to say, and it is very important: if, in the past, you felt there was something wrong with you, if there was something you didn’t like about yourself, est assured that from now on whatever was bothering you about yourself will gradually start to disappear, and will be eplaced by a strong sense of self confidence, based on the strength you draw from that immeasurable force that exists in each and every one of us. You should know that this unshakable confidence in yourself is absolutely indispensable for all human beings. Without self confidence you’ll never amount to anything, with it you can do anything you want, within eason. Your self confidence will get stronger day by day. It will provide you with the certitude that, not only are you able to do things well, you are able to do whatever you want -and whatever it is your duty to do -extremely well, on condition, of course, that what you want is within the bounds of reason. So whenever you want to do something, or when you have some duty to fulfil, always emember that the task will be easy for you. Wo ds like difficult, impossible, can’t, too much, not good enough … and so on, will disappear from your vocabulary, and be replaced by words like I can, it’s so easy, I will … If you think something is easy, then it becomes easy for you, although it might seem difficult to others. Whatever you do will be done quickly and effectively, without fatigue, almost without effort. But if you consider something difficult or impossible, then it will become difficult or impossible for you, just because of the way you think. (Coué suggests that specific formulations pertaining to individual cases be introduced at this point. ). Rest assured that in all ways, both physically and mentally, you will enjoy excellent health. You will start feeling much healthier than you’ve ever felt before. Now I’m going to count to 3, and when I say ‘three’you’ll open your eyes and emerge from the state you’re in, slowly, gradually. As you resurface you won’t feel at all tired. On the contrary, you’ll feel strong, vigorous, alert, refreshed, bursting with energy. You’ll also feel happy and joyous, both in yourself and in all your relations with others. 1 … 2 … 3. . . »

Sacred Tears

She was in the greatest distress. Her son, her darling son, had just been killed by an enemy's sword. She knelt at the feet of the sage, crying, hoping to find comfort. The sage listened to her crying for hours. Then he listened as she spoke of her son when he was alive. And then he listened as she spoke of the emptiness of her life after his death. Finally the sage gently spoke. "Woman, I don't have the power to dry your tears, but I can teach you how to make them sacred." (c)2005, ......................................... No one can avoid suffering. But should we? No, because often the road of suffering is sacred, necessary to heal the hurts of the world. Healing causes suffering, and yet it is healing that causes wounds to close. We must learn to apply reason as a balm to our unhappiness. Doing so will make it bearable .......................................... "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the sage calls a butterfly." Richard Bach

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


The world today is characterized by such rapid change that to becontinually relevant, one needs a strong personal Brand todifferentiate you from the competition.Personality Branding is the process of taking stock of one's skills,strength, opportunities, competence and packing them into a powerfulidentity that stand you out into the crowdPersonality Branding determine how people perceive you and engenderstrust in others. It's also the foundation for becoming a successfuland effective, fine and independent agent, while providing the neededto nice to boot ones relevant in a world where change is the rule rather than the exception. The process of personality Branding is as follows:
  • Take your career temperature.
  • State your vision.
  • Device plan B.
  • Have a strong network.
  • Discover the informal power base around you.
  • Find out which professional organizations are prestigious in your industry and join.
  • Prepare a two minute commercial on yourself stating what you do,your skills, unique characteristics and your objectives.


Each of us sits in long dark hall within a circle of light cast by asmall lamp. The lamp light penetrates a few feet up and down past thehall then r4apidly alternates, diluted by the vast darkness of futureand past that surrounds it.We are curious about that darkness we consult soothsayers and otherspiritual leader espect of the economy, weather to know about ourfuture. We also search back ward for our roots


Each of us sits in long dark hall within a circle of light cast by asmall lamp. The lamp light penetrates a few feet up and down past thehall then r4apidly alternates, diluted by the vast darkness of futureand past that surrounds it.We are curious about that darkness we consult soothsayers and otherspiritual leader espect of the economy, weather to know about ourfuture. We also search back ward for our roots