Monday, November 17, 2008


1. Believe that you can become more creative and you will. 2. Accept the existence of the mysterious subconscious that incubates all previous experience into facts and creative ideas. 3. With the goal of having more fun create a life plan to “enrich” the subconscious. 4. Patiently trust that answers will come. 5. Trigger the subconscious by “visualizing” the desired outcome in general terms. 6. Surrender to your sage and ask to be led to the correct experiences to achieve your life purposes. 7. Write a life’s purpose and prioritize around what’s important. 8. Make a game of saving time: your most precious resource deserves constant attention. 9. Become a fanatic of present-mindedness; attending to the work at hand, put appointments on your calendar to deal with distractions later. 10. Leave no stress unattended. Eliminate the situation or temporarily trick the brain’s biochemical processes especially with humor. 11. To advance your interests be ordinary. 12. Stamp out all judgmental behavior and thoughts.

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