Friday, March 6, 2015

The 5-step Guide To Achieving Your Goals

Welcome to 2015 - it is a New Year and as usual, you may have made some resolutions. A New Year resolution is a tradition in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement in any area of their life starting from the first day of the year. Popular New Year resolutions include: improve finances, exercise more, eat healthy, make new friends, start a business etc.
Now, old habits truly die hard but with some discipline and heavy doses of willpower, you can achieve your resolutions in 2015 with these 5 guides:
1. Write them down
People who write down their resolutions are more likely to achieve them than people who simply make mental vows. Remember to put up your written resolutions in places where you will see it often - this helps serve as a reminder.
2. Focus on one change at a time
It is better to stick to one resolution at a time than trying to make multiple changes to your lifestyle at the same time. We all have limited resources of willpower thus it is extremely difficult to try to change more than one habit at a time. Focus on the most pressing resolution and when you have made progress, move to another resolution.
3. Turn your resolution into SMART goals
Until your New Year resolutions become your goals, they stand no chance of being achieved. A goal is something you aim to achieve hence; we put in efforts towards achieving goals and not resolutions. If your resolution is to improve your finances, your goals are likely to be: save 20% of your income, make small investments, reduce your expenses, switch your salary account to Stanbic IBTC Bank etc.
4. Tell someone about your resolution
Telling someone you trust about your New Year resolution is a great way to achieve that resolution. It is difficult to back out of a resolution when you have assigned a friend to support you and to keep you in check. If you could do it alone, you would have done it already. Tell a friend today!
5. Review your progress
Split your resolution into different stages so that you can easily track your progress. Without reviewing, it will be impossible to determine how far you’ve come and what more to do to achieve that goal.

Via Stanbic Bank Blog

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