Tuesday, November 11, 2008


1. Act at all times in the presence of God and make it the great object in all things to please Him. In order to do this; 2. Seek first of all to gain clear views of His will and with regard to all things, to be perfectly conformed to it. In doing this; 3. Cherish no thoughts, indulge no feelings, speak no words and do no actions but what you really think, after all the light you gain will most honor God, most benefit yourself and others, and give you the greatest joy when they come to be exhibited before the assembled universe at the judgment day. 4. Begin and end each day by a session of communion with God and by a solemn and hearty commitment of yourself and all your interests temporal and eternal to His guidance, care & disposal. 5. Daily read with deep attention and fervent prayer a portion of the word of God for the purpose of understanding, believing and obeying it. 6. Never express or indulge the least degree of unkindness toward any human being and give no needless pain to any one of the human race or the animal creation. 7. Make it your object to promote the greatest happiness of the whole of all upon whom you may have influence both of the present and all future generations. 8. Regard the hand of God in all the dispensations of His providence and in whatsoever state He places you therewith be content. 9. Envy none who are above you and despise none who are below you, but possess and manifest the utmost goodwill toward all men. 10. Never speak of any or feel toward them in a manner you ought not to wish them under similar circumstances to speak or feel with regard to you. 11. Let all statements & narrations be an exact exhibition of the real truth. 12. Act for God, for the universe and for eternity & in such a manner as is adopted to promote the highest good forever. In order to do this: 13. Look to the holy spirit as the author of all good in man. Seek habitually his teaching, his illuminating and purifying influences that he may dwell in you as his temple and take full possession of all your powers and talents for him. 14. Look habitually to Jesus Christ. Let your whole soul be imbued with his spirit and manifest it in all your actions. 15. Earnestly desire that he would take of the things of Christ and more show unto you and carefully avoid everything which tends to hinder you from becoming perfectly like him. 16. Make it your meat and drink to do the will of God and perseveringly have respect for all His commandments. 17. Feel and acknowledge that all the good that you ever have received, that you now receive, or ever will receive is of grace through Jesus Christ. Trust him for all which you need both of this life and the life to come. Rely on his merits, imitate his example in view of every blessing give him and the father and the Holy Ghost all the glory.

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