We can no
longer assume that being ‘in work’ is the same thing as being employed –
‘having a job’. As the world becomes more connected, so companies get bigger,
but so too do opportunities emerge for all kinds of small-scale, niche and
self-employed enterprises. Many people who do not have ‘jobs’ in the
old-fashioned sense bid for contracts online. Websites like http://www.elance.com broker
deals between people who need a task done and those why know how to do it.
Elance has nine million freelancers and four million clients on its books. It
is currently doing one billion dollars’ worth of business a year, and growing.
is about the cultivation of competence and inclination. It is what we do to
enable children to succeed in the worlds they will inhabit. We teach them to
do, and to love doing, the things that will help them to flourish. Especially
when we cannot know how tens of millions of children will be earning a living,
those competences and inclinations have to be broad and generic. Obviously
reading is one such disposition. It is every child’s right to be shown how to
read, and to develop a love of reading, for example. The
inclination to read is, according to the PISA tests, a more powerful predictor
of life success than the bare ability to read. It opens your eyes to
possibilities: new ways of earning a living, for instance. Yet the love of
reading is killed, for many children, by misguided education.
reading is only one of these key dispositions. Here are some others. There is
the disposition to be your own teacher: to design learning activities
and experiences for yourself, either alone or in collaboration. Young people
will not be accompanied by kindly and experienced teachers for the rest of
their lives; they will have to become adept at thinking, “What will be the best
way to acquire the knowledge and skills I am going to need?” You don’t learn
that if learning is always designed for you by your teachers.
There is
the ability to think on your feet, when your expectations are dashed and
novel responses are required. In tomorrow’s world, learners will be much more
in demand than knowers. But traditional education doesn’t build the capacity to
cope with the unexpected. It tries to fill young people up with well-rehearsed
performances of understanding – which is not the same thing at all. And those
performances tend to be confined to single disciplines, whereas the real worlds
of both work and play do not respect the boundaries between ‘subjects’.
There is
the capacity to manage your attention. Learning how to pay attention
to things that you consider to be worthwhile, and often challenging, rather
than being at the mercy of every advertisement, flashing link, tweet or email
that comes along, is, for many people, one of the big challengers for 21st
century education. Concentration and discernment are mental muscles that grow
stronger with exercise – but that growth won’t happen in a classroom where
everything is beautifully quiet and orderly. Yet the ability to concentrate is
crucial to ‘getting the job done’, whether that be in employment, in
self-employment or for one’s personal satisfaction.
about scepticism: the inclination to subject knowledge claims,
especially ones that are written and authoritative, to critical scrutiny? Many
teachers are worried that their students are too ready to believe whatever they
read on the internet – yet, without thinking, they have been training their
students into an attitude of credulity by treating the textbooks as if they
were beyond question. Students can get A grades in examinations but not have
developed this inclination to question, yet a questioning mind-set is the
foundation stone of creativity and innovation, and it is these that employers
say they seek, but too often fail to find, in applicants for jobs.
Here are
five dispositions that are crucial for life, work and play in the 21st century:
a love of reading; the inclination to design your own learning; the capacity to
think on your feet; the strength to control attention; and the disposition to
question knowledge claims. Any system of schooling, no matter how well it
performs in international comparisons, is miseducation if it stifles
rather than nurtures these tendencies.
in collaboration with WISE. Publication does not imply endorsement of
views by the World Economic Forum.
Guy Claxton is Visiting Professor of Education at King’s College London.
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