Monday, September 8, 2008


The key to effective communication is that the person must be important to you as to create the need to ‘connect’. This means that you must try and listen to the other person on his own turf, on his own terms. You must try not to use your opinions to invalidate the other persons experience. For example if someone were trying to tell you something that happened, don’t say things like you shouldn’t have done that, rather listen and reserve judgment. We live in an age where where people tend more to use LANGUAGE OF THE HEAD. Language of the head is a way of mentally classifying people into black and white, good and bad, right and wrong. Language of the head looks without for the cause of a problem and its solution. i.e. fails to take responsibility. It is about generalization and not specifics. It is based on perception of past experience and not present reality. It provokes defensiveness. LANGUAGE OF THE HEART on the other hand is not judgmental; rather it relates what happened to a particular thing that happened. Communication is more how you say what you want to say than what you say itself. You must strive to talk with people rather than at them. COMMUNICATION EQUATION · Relevant content. 10% · Voice tone 35% · Gestures and action 55%

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